February 9, 2024 - Haltom Theater

There are few things that make me happier than a sold out independent wrestling show. A sold out show to memorialize a beloved person and benefit others with his legacy, that's even sweeter.
Arriving at Haltom Theater was a bit different tonight in comparison to other DFW All-Pro shows. There was a quiet excitement mixed with a gentle understanding of why we were all there. Fans began arriving early, congregating outside the entrance, enjoying the Texas weather as an impressive line began forming across the parking lot. Usually, as you wait with a crowd of fans before a wrestling show, you hear whispers about must watch matches and rivalries that will continue to play out. Not tonight. While many gave their predictions for the tournament, most stood in awe of the community support speaking only of their love for the lives of those impacted that evening several years ago.
The moment doors opened, seats filled rapidly. It didn't take much time for there to be standing room only with people lining the walls on either side. The sound of rock music could be heard from the stage in the room next door, providing a gentle rumble to the ambiance of the space. It seemed fitting for the occasion.
Of course, the main attraction of the night was the Sterling Silver Tournament but there were so many incredible matches throughout the evening to show love for their brother. There were athletes and professionals in attendance who personally knew Sterling as well as those who grew to know him through his stories, they all showed the same level of respect. A couple of matches deserve honorable mentions for my favorite match of the evening but allow me to stress that EVERY match tonight was incredible to watch. From the dismissive attitude of Redd Chambers during the pre-show to the superiority complex(es) of... well... a lot of people *cough* Exodus *cough* King Kizzy, you had a reason to cheer and boo all night.
The Love Machine v The Face of Fear

Tino Valentino is a force of nature that keeps you smiling with every step and gyration. The intensity, stature and brute force of Beau Amir balanced surprisingly well with the agile, often taunting style of the Love Machine. Despite the obvious size difference and the dominance that Beau has shown so far in DFW all-Pro, this match left you guessing til the end who would come out victorious. Nastico doesn't realize that imitation is the greatest form of flattery and his imitation of the Love Machine's moves are worth seeing ringside.
Battle Royal

There was A LOT going on in this match but goodness was it entertaining. From the "Surprise Entrants" to the creative elimination tactics, this match forced you to keep your head on a swivel. There were a couple of powerhouses that managed to eliminate multiple parties and strategists who cleverly avoided the attention of rivals until the perfect moment. Some seized the opportunity to take revenge for an earlier slight while others were focused entirely on the prize. Whatever the motivation, every person in that ring put on a lively performance. By the time we made it to the final two (2) you could feel the crowd ready to explode for their new hero, whoever they may be.
Love for Sterling and Scholarship
Throughout the evening it was clear that Sterling Silver was beloved by his family, friends & fans. He was tied into nearly every action and thought that took place. One of my favorite things about the impact of this event is the lasting legacy left through the Sterling scholarship. Not only is his name living on in a community that he cherished and worked extremely hard in, but it's allowing another individual the opportunity to live up to the standard that he has set and continue pursuing their shared dream. Sterling has left his own mark in this industry and will continue to do so.
Crowning the Champion - Sterling Silver Memorial Tournament 4

Technically, we're talking about five (5) amazing matches here. Each round clearly had their crowd favorites and you could sense the desire to put on a worthwhile performance for Sterling. Demands for a Tornado DDT and "La Leona" rang out throughout the night, unexpected twists & decisions had the potential to change the very makeup of the main event, and underlying motivations fueled the narrative of each character in a way that had fans who had never attended a show firmly choosing sides. It was the build up from these four matches that kept the fans in their seats late into the night. And I do mean late... but it was worth it.
The main event was everything I could have asked for and more. I went into the match with my favorite hoping and screaming for them to win (psst... they did) and it was a battle to the end for everyone. To say that the Sterling Champion deserved their victory doesn't do the moment justice. The main event brought with it some of the biggest twists of the night, beautifully building on story lines that had been laid out earlier in the evening. The final pin left my heart pounding and emotion swelled throughout the entire room. It's one of those moments you just have to see.
The Sterling Silver Memorial Tournament 4 was an incredible showcase of talent in honor of a gentleman that was lost too soon. The love from the community, both professionally and fans, was on full display and shows the strength/passion of the people within it. This is what makes professional wrestling the beautiful thing that it is. People like Sterling.
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